Once upon a pandemic, my dear and talented author friend Angie Bailey and I decided that getting through the tough times was a lot easier when we could binge-watch Gen-X comfort television, namely that sweet and sappy feel-good Little House on the Prairie cult-classic that took much of the ’70’s and ’80’s by crop-killing storm.
As we rewatched its syndication with adult eyes, we realized how much we could glean from its incredible life lessons despite (or because of?) Pa’s sweaty chest and glistening tears, Ma’s penchant for piety, Mary’s big-sister bossiness and Laura’s cringy cultural appropriation. That realization is now Little House Life Hacks came to be.
Little House Life Hacks is a lifestyle book that is both kitschy and practical and touches on the beautiful tidbits of wisdom we can embody not only from the show but also the incredible books that it was based on and that so many of us devoured as children, penned by Laura Ingalls Wilder.
Get helpful up-to-date advice around so many areas of your life as you learn to hack your Self-Care, Family Life, Romantic Life, Faith, Work Life, Resourcefulness, and so much more, and be inspired by the many quotes and historical facts throughout the pages.
Did I mention there is even an illustration of a very Charles-like character without his shirt? I mean, you can’t very well represent Little House without a nod to that detail.
As a tarot enthusiast who has always appreciated how the tarot enchances my self-development, I also love to share how this magical modality is such an incredible creative partner.
Discovering the tarot as a writing tool motivated me to dive into a fiction novel that had been dancing around in my mind, and through the process of writing I’ve experienced first-hand how inspiring these cards can be. I created a newsletter called Pen & Tarot so I can share my excitement with other writers!
Whether you are writing a novel, a screenplay, or a script for the stage or a gaming adventure, tarot cards can inspire your character development, explore their thoughts and actions, and get you through tricky plot points. Even if you don’t know what the cards mean, simply allowing their visuals to spark creative ideas is magic!
In this Substack newsletter, you’ll find tips and ideas I’ve used or experienced with others, what I see in the cards, and how they can inspire you both in writing and life. Subscribe to automatically receive new posts–it’s free! Come experience the magic for yourself!
Spellbound and The Horror! from Sellers Publishing, are two very different yet surprisingly similar desk calendars that are available now for 2025.
Have you wondered what exactly a spell is? Spellbound will tell you, along with providing you directions on how to cast them. You’ll learn about all things witchy things like crystals, pendulums, tarot cards, (but of course!) and many more modalities and tools, along with interesting historical facts, affirmations, and quotes!
You may just be horrified by the scary stories that come to real life, urban legends, and historical facts on the pages of The Horror! Terrifying Trivia for Fright Fanatics, and horror aficionados will have a frighteningly good time quizzing themselves on their favorite films, books, and horror baddies that keep them up at night.