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My friends, so many things are rockin’ and rollin’ over here so I thought I’d better keep you up with the latest!

My co-author Angie and I are so excited, the release date of Little House Life Hacks is right around the corner! The book will be hitting shelves on August 22nd, and we will be celebrating with our book launch and signing event at the wonderful Magers and Quinn bookstore here in Minneapolis on Sunday, September 10th at 5pm.
For those of you who can put your actual fanny in a seat, we would LOVE to celebrate with you! The event is free, but if you want an actual seat for your fanny, you will need to register. Spaces are limited!
Be ready for some book-reading, trivia, and fabulous prizes–and all the fun will be led by our favorite funny guy, actor and emcee Justen Jones! Books will be available there for purchase.
If you can’t make it we will shed a Pa tear, but you can order a FREE book plate sticker, signed by both of us, that you can put right into your book. Just click on the button below and fill out the form–this offer is only good until September 1st.

According to, these babies will both be available to order in late August! I don’t know many people who order next year’s calendar in the summer, but hey. Good for you if you are that prepared!
The Horror! is packed with trivia about horror films, books, villains, creatures, and real-life scares that became movies or published works! There’s also some great horror facts and history for you boo-buffs out there. I’m right there with you, and this was so much fun to put together! You can pre-order now, or grab it on Amazon starting August 25th.
Are you even surprised that I jumped at the chance to pen Whimsical Witchcraft? Manifesting Mondays, Tarot Tuesdays, Spells and Rituals, tools of the trade, and witchy history will get you through your week in a magical way. No worries–no animal sacrifices were made in the making of this calendar. !! It’s all good, clean, positive fun! You can pre-order this now, or grab it on Amazon on August 28th.
Some sad news, but also happy news…The Knitty Gritty Podcast that I was co-hosting with Melissa is taking a pause. The recorded shows will remain available, but we really wanted to take the conversation to the community instead of keeping it all to ourselves. Now YOU can be a part of it!
Modern Prairie now has its own app! It’s free, and it’s fabulous. Our community is safe and troll-free, and it’s chock-full of midlife women who want to re-write the story on aging–let’s celebrate this best-kept secret together!
I’ll be there chatting with various women involved with the brand and I could not be more excited about it. Melissa will pop in sometimes, too! Download the app, and let’s continue the conversation!! Connect with me and say “hi!”

Have you had a chance to follow along with my Amplified Tarot method?
Each Monday I post a card for the week that will help guide you. It can be something that speaks to you at the moment, something you may experience throughout the week, or it could remind you of something you went through in the past. The idea is to let the card ‘tell’ you what could use your focus right now in order for you to grow.
There are so many ways you can work with the card; through free-writing, meditation, visualization, story-telling, and more! This isn’t so much about predicting your future as it is giving you something to expand your thinking. It’s another tool in your self-development/self-expansion process!
I’ve created a guide that goes into more detail for new subscribers–if you want one (it’s FREE) reach out to me and I’ll get it right to you! Thank YOU for being here!
There it is! Along with these things I’m working on a new book proposal and still plugging away with my fantasy novel in progress. I’ll keep you posted with any other events that may pop up! I hope to see you soon!
Remember that I’m always here for questions about any or all of the above. I only do tarot readings on request, and they are specifically around your self-development. Until next time, Stay Magical!