Susie Shubert

Author, Presenter, Tarot Advisor, and graduate of the school of rock.

Inspiring you to make everyday Magic

I am...

  • A self-starter who jumps right into things that interest me: Manuals be damned.
  • Someone who will always be lured by anything that glitters or creeps. (except spiders.)
  • A very strange mix of pragmatic + woo.
  • Someone who believes that everything must have meaning and purpose, even if that purpose is only to delight me for a day.
  • A huge Lord of the Rings nerd.
  • A magic-maker who loves nothing more than to inspire someone else to wield their magic.

Check Out my Books and Calendars!

What I do

I write!

Lifestyle books, fiction, calendars and planners, blog posts and newsletters… I do love to participate in the written word, and encouraging you to do so as well!

I Work with the Tarot!

The tarot is an incredible tool that takes self-development to self-expansion. I offer intentional readings for the person ready to transform and create. I also love to share how the cards offer magical inspiration for writing.