Thriving in the Wild

Spring is (almost) here!

At least that what the calendar tells me. If you are here in Minneapolis, you may think otherwise, as we just got DUMPED on with 9 more inches of snow. Heavy sigh.

But! The temps are slowly rising, the snow is melting. I can’t wait to get back out for my daily walks without worrying about slipping and falling on my ass! What’s your favorite thing to do as the weather gets warmer? I’m fortunate enough to live a mere couple of blocks from one of our fabulous 10K lakes, so I love to walk around it; people and dog watching, and listening to music and podcasts.

Speaking of podcasts, did you see this?? Modern Prairie, the fabulous community site I create content for, is getting well-deserved attention on CNN! That’s pretty darn exciting, especially since they actually mentioned our little ol’ Knitty Gritty podcast in the article! 

If you haven’t checked out Modern Prairie yet, you really really should.  Honestly, even if I wasn’t involved with it, I’d be saying the same. Finally, FINALLY we midlife Mavens have a place to go to feel supported and to hang out with other REAL women our age who want to talk about the–wait for it–(k)nitty gritty of aging. 

What, you haven’t quite hit that milestone yet? That’s OK–glob willing, you WILL. We can all learn from each other. The last episode Melissa and I just recorded is all about bra fitting, and we interview a crazy-fun expert who sizes up boobies for a living. I mean, who doesn’t need to know all about that, at any age?? Make sure you are subscribed and you won’t miss when it hits the airwaves! 

Here’s a link to the article–this party is just getting started, join us! 

Things are getting wild

The call of spring and the promise of new growth that comes with it gets me thinking about the call that so many of us hear–not only at the turn of a season but often at random times of the year. Something shifts, and suddenly you find yourself feeling pulled to discover, reconnect, learn, or start something new. 

This is such an exciting feeling, but it can also be overwhelming. You may have a grand idea with no clue where to start. You may not even know what that grand idea is, but you know that you have random butterflies in your stomach when you see, get introduced to, or experience a certain thing. You may even get that tummy flutter for seemingly no reason at all! You simply know that there is something calling for you to begin. 

More and more, I feel that this is my call when it comes to working with the tarot. Random readings are fun, but being able to help someone dig into whatever makes them want to get out of bed in the morning feels like what I read for. 

Your Call of the Wild could be around anything; a new line of work or career you feel you are meant for, a creative endeavor you feel the need to explore, a life change that feels as if it’s just around the corner. This isn’t a ‘who will I marry’ or ‘will I get fired’ kind of reading; this is bigger than that. This could very well start your exploration into something that, more than likely, could become a significant part of your unexpected journey. 

A Call of the Wild reading isn’t so much of a divinatory guide, although it certainly could be. It’s more a starting point for you and I to work together to get you going down the right path toward your happily ever after…or at least happily until the next stage of life calls to you– because it will.

I’m still working on what this will look like, but I needed to share because I’m SO excited about it! More details to come! Who’s interested?

upcoming Events!

I’m really looking forward to these events that are coming up soon! 

–On Saturday, 4/29, I’ll be at the Loft Literary Center teaching my Creating Compelling Characters with the Tarot class again. I really enjoyed doing this workshop last year and seeing writers having so much fun exploring this unique method! If you are working on a fiction story or video game, or any creative venture that requires you to design a character, sign up now while there are still spaces available! We work with the Court Cards of the tarot to help you take character development to a whole new royal level! 

–If you live in Minneapolis, you know all about our incredible artisan community and the Art A Whirl event held around the city every year. But did you know that Turbo Tim’s, a fabulous car repair shop that has resident cats to pet while you wait,  holds their unique Crush-A-Whirl event? Come for the smashing of cars, stay for the art. On May 20th I’ll be there with my Patron Saints of Badassery and Lucky Charms jewelry (I created and sold these in a previous life and still have many pieces available! Talk about your one-of-a-kind talisman jewels!) and will be pulling a tarot card or two for those who want to explore their Call of the Wild! See the photo above for date and times of events. BONUS! My daughter and I will be sharing a table, and her art is incredible! 

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